If you don't mind meeting someone new and having them roommate with you in your home for some extra cash, this will definitely be a money bringer. Extra rooms can produce up to $500-$1000 these days in 2019, and on the higher end if they are furnished. Being a bed to say the least and if your good for it a nightstand maybe a dresser and some television would be a plus. $500-$1000 is just an average price you can actually ask for.
Amenities matter for sure so think about if you want these new found friends to use your kitchen stove, laundry machines, Wi-Fi network password and anything else you consider personal like your ninja juicer or blender. Personal Coffee makers...pots and pans... utensils.
A private bathroom will pull you in more money as well.
Usually all bills are included as far as light or electric, water , gas , trash & sewer etc.
Don't forget to set your rules and make a contract if necessary.
Try www.airbnb.com for short term and quick cash
Www.Craigslist.com for longer periods
Local newspapers are great for posting your ads but they are always with a fee,
Even Face book groups and marketplace are great places to find renters and you can even check out there real life profile before meeting them.